We hang pictures quite often in our line of work and because of this we have run into a multitude of problems, therefore we now have a multitude of solutions. Through trial and error, and years of experience, we have put together the ultimate kit to hang all sorts of wall art. Whether you are a professional or amateur our picture hanging kit will make sure you are prepared for just about anything!
Nails of different sizes *These should vary between 1 ½ inch and 2 inch finishing nails which will support most art and be suitable to even go through studs.
Wall hangers with nails *These should support different weights. We recommend ranging from 20lbs to 50lbs as art that requires a wall hanger is typically heavier.
Picture wire *This is the wire that would be attached from either side of the frame and require a wall hanger to mount on the wall. Sometimes art can come without the necessary hardware and sometimes art that does have the wire can fray over time and you will need to replace it.
Sawtooth hangers & their nails *These are placed at the top of the art and held on the wall by a single nail. Again, some art can come without the necessary hardware to hang up but largely you will find this useful if you want to change the orientation of the art (i.e.: from portrait to landscape).
Screwdriver *Preferably and most useful would be a multi-bit screwdriver that comes with all the attachments you need. Not only will it save on space, but you can use the different bits for a power drill as well. See Drill bits for types of heads you require.
Power drill *You will need this if the wall you are hanging the art on is concrete, stone, lath and plaster, etc. and are either drilling a hole in the wall with a wall plug so that you can screw into the wall or simple to screw into a wall that is too hard to do by hand.
Assorted screws *Ensure to get different lengths and thread types so that you are ready for anything (please make sure that you read closely on the package to ensure that they are appropriate for the material you are drilling into).
Wall plugs *These should be in the same varied sizes of the screws you buy to ensure that everything works together if need be (the package should dictate which screw size will fit).
Sticky tack *You’ll use this to keep pictures straight if they won’t stay level on the wall.
Chalk *A trick that we use chalk for is to rub over nail holes that were mistakenly made to diminish their appearance.
Drill bits *If you don’t have a multi-use screwdriver that you can use the bits from you will need to purchase additional bits (we recommend you get the small and standard size Phillips, Robertson, and Flat head). You will also need drill bits that create holes in the wall that are also in line with the size of wall plugs and screws you purchase.
Monkey hooks *These are a great alternative to wall hangers in a pinch or if the hole you made was too big. These slide into drywall easily and are supported by the long tail that goes into the wall.
3M hooks * If a hole cannot be made in the wall these are great in a pinch and can support up to 16lbs (just ensure to get the correct weight and size).
Gorilla Glue/Contact Cement *Really any quick drying and strong glue is a must in case the frame of your art starts to separate.
Right Angle Clamps *In case you need to glue the frame back together, having picture clamps can make it an easy job instead of having to improvise with heavy objects to weight down the frame.
Pencil *Use this to make marks on the wall instead of pen.
White eraser *White erasers are the best at taking pencil marks off the wall but be careful not to erase more than you need because it can alter the sheen of the wall.
Level *Carpenter level is most common or laser level can be useful.
Tape Measure
Cleaning cloth *To clean the art itself or to tidy up drywall dust you can make by drilling into the wall.
Masking tape *This would be useful to tape back dust covers of art because they can often peel or tear.
Step Ladder *Size at your own discretion so long as you can reach the high points on a wall where you can be eye level with what you are hanging. This will ensure that you get good leverage if you must screw or drill into the wall.