Have you ever visited someone and low and behold you forgot something that you know is fundamental to the day to day lifestyle needs that you require and now you have to go out and purchase that thing! How frustrating right!
With that in mind, and as an attentive host, why not have an emergency kit for your guest! I love the idea of having a decorative box that looks pretty, and is chalk full of little treasures that your guest will be delighted that is on hand should they need it, and they don’t have to feel like a bother to ask for something.
Here are our top 30 items that we feel would be a huge asset in your kit.
– Toothbrush/paste
– Dental Floss
– Cosmetic pads
– Cotton Swabs
– Bandaid’s
– Tissue
– Bobby Pins/Safety Pins
– Precision/Jewellers Screw Driver Set
– Hair Elastic
– Feminine Products
– Water Bottle
– Batteries
– Local Restaurant Brochures
– Body lotion
– Universal Cell Phone Charger
– Eye Glass Cleaner
– Book Light
– Note Pad/Pen
– Headache Medication
– Manicure Kit
– Lip Balm
– Antacid
– Wet Wipes
– Recyclable Bag/Tote
– Lint Roller
– Pack of Gum
– Room Spray
– Hair Brush
– Ear Plugs
– Shower Scrunchy\Loofa
Storage Solutions for your Emergency Kit.
I prefer to use a container that is decorative, but has a lid to keep everything tucked away in a neat fashion. In this way, the bin/box can be tucked under a bed for easy storage, or tucked into a closet when not in use.
Here are a few ideas of items that you may consider. You may be able to find a few of the decorative items at your local thrift store (what a great way to save money and recycle).

Ways to Package your Items
One way is to simply tuck everything away into the box in it’s original packaging, but you may find this method takes up a lot of room. This, and will your guest truly need an entire box of Cotton Swabs?
There are several ways that you can neatly package items to that they you can manage the inventory easily, but also this idea makes the item easy to stow and go! Your guest can now tuck the items into their bag or purse on the fly.
Organza Fabric Bags
I love these super cute bags, aren’t they pretty! These particular ones are scented with lavender, but you can easily find unscented ones. Because you can see the item inside, it takes the guess work out for your guest, and you can easily determine if you need to refill it or not. This is a decorative way to store those little items such as cotton swabs, cosmetic pads etc..

Reusable Plastic Bag
This of course is fairly standard and affordable. It may be lacking in character and charm, but it is totally functional. Not only that, it is water proof, which is a win win!

Cosmetic Bag
Some of the more personal items can all be neatly tucked inside a cosmetic bag for your lady guest. This way, she can easily grab the bag and head to the ladies room without juggling a variety of items, especially if she is trying to be discrete.
Of course this is not a gender specific bag, this can be used for both male and female guests alike 🙂 It’s handy and convenient.

We would love to know what you put in your Guest Emergency Kit! Share your comments with us, we would love to hear from you!
If you found our article helpful, we would love it if you shared it with a friend 🙂