It seems more and more, people are truly looking at their homes very differently, and realizing how important it is to have a quiet space in their home that invokes a sense of calm and tranquility. A place that will turn off all of the outside noise.

There are many ways that you can achieve this! It’s all about layering in design aesthetics, that make you feel good and bring you comfort and joy. This can include aromatherapy, textures, colours and lighting.

It’s all about creating a home of well-being. Let’s explore ways that not only will the items themselves bring in a feeling of comfort, but how they do that as well.

Ambient Lighting

Utilizing lighting as a way to create a warm and inviting scene in your home is one of the most common ways to achieve this goal.

There are a variety of ways one can do this so lets explore some options.

  • Night Lights: add them to your hallways, kitchens or bathrooms for a soft glow. This will eliminate the need to turn on a light during a time you may wake up in the middle of the night.
  • Candles: add them to your dining table when entertaining or beside you during a quiet book reading session. I also light one in the bathroom when I have a guest, so that it adds aromatherapy and is thoughtful touch that is not only pretty, but peaceful.
  • Dim-able lighting: pot lights, ceiling fixtures, table lamps, floor lamps can all be purchased in dim-able options. It’s nice to have a low lit lamp on during the evening for a warm glow.

Set a candle or two on a side board or credenza for a subtle glow.



Nothing says comfort quite like a wood burning fireplace. The crackle, aroma, and ambient glow of a wood fireplace is unique and so comforting. Wood fireplaces or wood-stoves are a natural way to add warmth to your home and bring in an earthy vibe to your interior aesthetic.

If you are looking for convenience however, you may opt in for either an electric or gas fireplace as they can be turned on with the flick of a switch and will still provide you with ambient lighting and a fire effect.



Textiles are by far one of the top ways that you can layer in comfort, a sense of calm and create a welcoming atmosphere. Textiles provide warmth, texture, colour and will absorb sound to create a more peaceful environment.

Textiles are vast in their varieties; window treatments, area rugs, blankets, toss cushions & upholstery are some options that you can implement into your design to bring in those comforting layers that invoke a cozy vibe. Let’s take a closer look at each example.


Blankets or Throws

Who doesn’t love to curl up in a soft and comfy blanket or sofa throw on a cool summer night, or in the heart of winter? They instantly say cuddle time, and will make a simple sofa look more luxurious. Layers in-of-themselves make a space feel way more inviting that none at all.

Having a throw blanket draped over your sofa, favourite chair or nestled in a basket next to you means it is accessible, and the perfect companion in a pinch. It’s also a great option for guests and family members who may want another layer to warm up during your visit. Your guests will love this simple gesture if they happen to be a person who gets cold easily.


Area Rugs

I often recommend my clients add an area rug if they don’t already have one to their living rooms, bedrooms and sometimes even a dining room. I love the comfort they provide while grounding the furniture in the room to create a unified space.

They are great sound dampeners too, so will reduce or even eliminate that echo sound you get without one.

They also offer warmth, texture and colour to a space which in-of-itself can offer a calm inviting atmosphere.

Area rugs also expand the eye, and can also make a room appear larger, which can add to the level of comfort in that there is a larger footprint of textile, helping to soften the overall vibe.


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Window Treatments

Window treatments have a way of softening the look of a room. They add depth, drama, elegance and warmth. The texture of the treatment can make all the difference in creating a calm, and inviting atmosphere.

Satin for example may seem cooler, while cotton or linen will seem warmer. The colour as well has a great deal to do with how they will make you feel. Soothing neutrals feel more natural, and therefore have that peaceful easy feel to them.

Curtains will frame a window, so your green space outside acts like a gorgeous piece of art, and will bring the outdoors in. Nothing says comfort quite like the beauty of Mother Nature.



Toss Cushions

Layering your bed or sofa with some gorgeous toss cushions will absolutely create a welcoming vibe to any room.

There is something about the layers that just invite you in and make it feel cuddly. A sofa on its own can feel somewhat rigid and cold. If however you add some upholstered cushions you add an instant look of luxurious comfort, especially to a leather sofa.

Personally, I like being able to adjust my own level of comfort with a cushion or two – even when I am visiting a friend. Equally I like to offer that option to my guests, you never know if one is necessary for back issues or otherwise.

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Greenery has a way of bringing a space to life. It can make an otherwise dull environment, suddenly feel energized with life, thereby invoking a true sense of connecting it with mother earth and the great outdoors.

I always use and/or recommend greenery to all of my Interior Design clients and always incorporate it in my Staged Properties.

Greenery has a natural way of making a space feel like HOME! It can add a vibrant energy to any space, and provide nourishment and cleansing.

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Colour may surprise you to see it in my list of ways to make a home feel more cozy and inviting, but believe me when I say, that colour can affect your mood, so choose wisely in your design.

Colour has been long used in marketing to attract a certain vibe and to grab attention and has a direct impact on how we feel.

Neutrals have a way of naturally creating a calm environment much like a spa would use in their zen like spaces. Likewise, soft pastels can also create a calm peaceful vibe.

Choosing a calm colour for your homes retreat is so important to achieving your personal sanctuary from the outside world.

What are ways in which you feel you have injected warmth and comfort into your living space? Do you agree to the approaches we outlined above, or do you have other suggestions for making your home feel more comfortable and inviting? We encourage you to create some personal space for yourself and nestle down to comfort. It is so important for the mind, body and soul!

We would love to hear how you have helped yourself in creating a space of well being for your home.

To your personal well being…
Cindy Lutes
Interior Designer/Property Stylist